Expanded Photos

This photo reminds me of an old time photo you would see so I added some aged spots to it.

I added some textured line so it looks like my dog is in a cartoon.

I was looking at the empales for the final project and I really enjoyed Anastasia Cazabon photos so I tried to edit this one like some of hers 



  1. These came out so great, Emily! The orange on your mom adds such great balance to image, both in terms of color and symmetry. And that you manage to generate an apparition is all the more impressive. The other two are great too. I love the interplanetary neon of the blue.

  2. I really like the editing you did on the photos, they really draw the focus to the main point. While the color add to the overall depth of each photo without over taking the focus.

  3. I am always scared to use such vibrant editing tools, so I like that you took that risk and made these photos work. It added a extra element of interest while not taking the focus away from the subjects. Nicely done.

  4. The bright colors are amazing and one thing I tend to shy away from in order to not over do the photo and drowned the rest of it out, but you did a great job on mixing them and the outcome is great.

  5. This is some cool editing! I like the color choices on all of the photos. Definitely eye catching! Your first photo does look like an old photograph. I also really like the editing on the last photo. It gives an abstract feel!

  6. you did a great job editing your photos. I like the texture you used with the dots and the dog running through the yard. Nice job!

  7. I really like the texture added to the photos they make them pop and add some nice coloring. I love the photot of your dog running, it's very cute.

  8. I honestly really love them all! Even tho they aren’t exactly what I think was meant for the project I gotta say I proud you did an amazing job!

  9. I like the elements that you added to your photos. Good Job!

  10. Nicely done! I really love the last photo, the contrast between the pink and the teal is really beautiful. And the dark flower to the right helps to fill the space. Overall you did really well.


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